Women In Technology
Technology, is assumed to be far-fetched, when it comes to women. According to statistics, women make 20% threshold in the STEM industry. With the advancement in technology, we now gradually see changes whereby more women are interested in studying STEM subjects and in this case, Technology. Having been in a class dominated by men, the journey wasn’t easy at all. Deriving motivation from Ada Lovelace, who was the first computer programmer, the future for Women in technology is brighter. Women techies are seeking to tackle what most of our male counterparts do.
Growing work force
In Kenya, its particular to note that the numbers are rising. To mention but a few, Judith Owiga of Akirachix, Jamilla Abass of M-farm and Cate Mahigu among others, show how technology has been embraced largely by women. They do take up competitive posts, innovate and work hard to bring out the best of Technology to the world. In that context, it is noticed that many tech companies are now more open to employ as many women as men due to the same deliverables being offered. With everything being digitized, there’s urgent need of work force, that’s where women come in.
At work places, women do compete for the little top positions that are available in Tech companies. How ironical is it to be asked what an RJ45 is, however the same isn’t being asked to their male counterparts. Even with the state of affairs, some individuals tend to think that women hardly know anything about technology. It’s a disadvantage, more likely, when searching for job placements. It places women to work a little extra harder to prove they are knowledgeable.
Sadly, Gender disparity is still being experienced by women in Tech. We need to believe in women and also give equal opportunities to deliver. I have met great women techies who are an inspiration. Encourage the young folk to venture into STEM subjects, that’s where the world is heading to. Challenging oneself to achieve what is unachievable. Lets have more lady engineers, scientists, techies and the world will become a better global village.
Kindly share your sentiments on this,
* How many women are in your IT department ?
* Do you know any self-made woman techie ?